Hypocrisy, Power, and Social Unrest
(Possibly Civil War)
I affirm the right of every American to assemble in peacefully and civil protest. I condemned the lawlessness in riots since the election in 2016 and I condemn the lawlessness in the riot at the Capital on Wednesday, January 6, 2021. I condemn the lawlessness in the House of Representatives on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, in the impeachment of President Trump. I also condemn the manipulation of our Constitutional Republic in order to destroy it and establish a Socialistic government in its place. In my opinion, the only way this deceptive take over has been possible is because we have allowed professional politicians (Democrats and Republicans) to abuse their power and line their pockets with wealth. America’s system of government was never planned to have professional politicians. We would not be in this mess if we had term limits in the House and Senate. If politicians have to move back into society and live under the laws and regulations they pass they are much more likely to truly represent those they serve. If they had term limits they would not be able to build their own power kingdoms. If there had been term limits we probably wouldn’t be in the financial debt that we are. Like the theme song to the television series Monk says, "I could be wrong now, but I don't think so!"
Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at our Capital on the Ellipse, there was a legal rally to be followed by a peaceful protest called Save America Rally. Unfortunately, there were some bad actors in the protest whose actions were ungodly, illegal, and did not represent the Make America Great Movement. These actions led to a display of an attribute that was publicly broadcast across the airwaves and social medias. But the attribute of which I speak is not the one of the bad actors. The attribute I speak of is the shameless display of hypocrisy.
The shameless hypocrisy of those who condoned lawlessness when rioting and looting sieged the streets of cities across our land since 2016 (especially this past year) but, while condemning the lawlessness Wednesday at the Capital, are using it to create a tsunami of condemnation against all conservatives by characterizing conservatives as domestic terrorist. It is not just coincidence that the phrase “domestic terrorist” is being used by the left to identify what happened on last Wednesday. It is no accident that Speaker Pelosi said Saturday, “that there are people in our country, led by this President, for the moment, who have chosen their whiteness over democracy.” The left’s definition in The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2019, which 22 Senate Democrats introduced, focuses completely on “white supremacist and other far-right-wing extremists.” I’m not a terrorist, a white supremacist, nor a far-right-wing extremist but I am white, a conservative Constitutionalist and supported the policies of President Trump. To some that makes me a domestic terrorist.
The shameless hypocrisy of those who defended the reaction of those who lost the election in 2016 (i.e. Women’s March, Democrat leaders Boycott Trumps Inauguration, Democrat leaders Inciting Public Harassments, Inciting rebellion against the President of the United States of America, Speaker of the House publicly ripping up the State of the Union speech, etc.) while prosecuting the reaction of those who lost the election of 2020. After using the truth that no one is above the Law, they themselves have placed themselves above the law. Equal justice under the law is more than a motto over the entrance to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. The reaction of the left, and some on the right, has become more and more extreme over the past few decades to marginalize and silence those that disagree with them.
The shameless hypocrisy of those who have mocked transparency with known bogus investigation after bogus investigation since the 2016 election and now blocked the transparency of the 2020 election. Speaker Pelosi said in January 2017 that the election of 2016 was hijacked and called for investigation but when conservatives claims the election of 2020 was fraudulent and calls for investigation it is conspiracy theories, unfounded accusations, and an attempt to overthrow the will of the people. Wednesday, January 13, 2021, what Speaker Pelosi and those who voted for impeachment did is completely against the Constitution and the Laws of this Republic. It lifted emotions and personal vendetta above reason and rights.
The shameless hypocrisy of those who refused responsibility for fanning the flames of lawlessness since 2016 while accusing President Trump for inciting Wednesday’s (6th) lawlessness. Claiming that the President incited the riot with rhetoric of conspiracy theories and unfounded accusations of voter fraud and at the same time finding conspiratorial codes and meanings in his words is hypocritical. Look at how many of the left tried to incite open rebellion against the conservative movement. Not only that, but those who rode the President’s popularity to get elected or re-elected in the 2020 election and now are turning against him are typical career politicians more concerned about their power and paycheck than in doing what is right and legal for our nation.
The shameless hypocrisy of those who have spent the past 4+ years (and continue even now) disparaging President Trump while trying to destroy and overthrow the will of the people with covered up lies and deceptive actions, now declaring that the events of Wednesday (6th) was an attempted Coup d’état of the 2020 election. I have not been able to find one report that factually identifies one rioter brandishing a gun/weapon or firing a shot. Calling it an attempt to overthrow the affirmation of the Electoral College vote for Joe Biden seems to be an attempt to elevate an emotional frizzy in order to cancel President Trump and squelch the conservative movement of more than 70 million Americans.
The shameless hypocrisy of those who say we need a peaceful transfer of power but impeach the President with only days before the Inauguration of President Elect Biden. This show of abusive power came even after President Trump affirmed that there will be an orderly transfer of power with the Inauguration of President Elect Biden on January 20th. Those who are pushing this are leading us into further civil unrest. Their Trump Derangement Syndrome is obvious in their desire to try to completely destroy the man, Donald Trump, even if it destroys millions of Americans. They are not really against him per se but that he has disrupted their kingdom, saying out loud what most Americans already think, threatening to upset their power and wealth.
The shameless hypocrisy of those who have set out to fundamentally transform America from a Constitutional Republic with limited Governmental control to a Socialistic society with more and more Governmental control and now blaming the results of that transformation on those who never wanted it in the first place. Have you noticed that the more this transformation is promoted the more the foundational truths of America are propagandized as the problem and wrong? The more this transformation is promoted the more the rights of Americans are being threatened. The more this transformation is promoted the more of America’s history is being erased and/or rewritten.
What we saw and experienced Wednesday (6th) and since was the natural evolution of Socialism. There is a reason why we haven’t seen anything like this in 200 years. It’s because we have never been pushed more toward a Socialistic society than right now. It’s been 12 years since Barak Obama said he and his followers were on the verge of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” In June 2019 Bernie Sanders said, “we need a political revolution.” And it’s only been 8 months since Joe Biden said how COVID-19 could give them the opportunity to “fundamentally transform the Country.” They are using this virus to accelerate Socialism. He said that they could do things now that couldn’t be done even 2-3 years ago. We may not be a Socialist country right now but as we continue down this path, we will see more and more of the things you see in Socialistic societies. Class warfare, race division, power/control vs humble/servitude, force/coercion vs willingness/influence, oppression of labor vs freedom of capitalism, private property vs governmental seized property, etc. As one of my favorite singers, Luke Garrett, said in his song, Judgement in The Gate, “Our golden rule has changed – he who has the gold makes the rule.” Professional politicians are becoming wealthy in what was supposed to be a service to the public. In a Socialistic country the wealth is centered in the government.
In the past few decades, there has been an intense political revolution to takeover and fundamentally transform the United States of America. The only thing that can mean is to politically takeover America and change the basic ideology that made it what it was. Though I have a hard time believing that the majority of Americans are willing to surrender our freedoms, it appears that the majority of the voting populace have voted for Socialism. That’s Democratic Socialism. They want more and more Governmental power and control. They are willing to give up more and more of their rights and responsibilities in order to rely more and more on the Government to provide them what they think they need. This Socialistic government promises to those who will follow, “free” everything. Free healthcare, free college, free childcare, free housing, cancelation of student debt, reparations to blacks, and reparations to LBGTQ are all seducing some Americans. Since the government has no money except that which it takes from others, the promise of redistribution of wealth appeals to the covetousness, envy, and jealousy of Fallen humanity. Governmental forced redistribution of wealth is nothing more than stealing. Just ask those immigrants that came from those Socialistic countries.
Sometimes a hostile takeover is done in the streets with people in fatigues and sometimes it is done in the halls of government with people in business attire. Sometimes it is done in a military coup and sometimes it is done in the voting booth. Regardless of how it happens, is it not still a hostile takeover? A Coup d’état is defined only by the one who is in power. When you rise up while someone else is in power it is called the right of peaceful protest but when someone rises up when you are in power it is an insurrection. The destruction of public and private property by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter is characterized as “mostly peaceful protest” while what happened at the Capital by a very small element is characterizing the whole group as an insurrection trying to take over the government.
History has shown that there is always a revolution that comes with a political take over. Just remember there was a General George Washington (American Revolutionary War 1775-83) before there was a President George Washington (1789-1797). The American Revolution began with words and British governmental Acts for control. Among the words was a phrase that showed the revolt against too much taxation without any of the Colonies having a seat at Parliament. “No Taxation without Representation.” When the British government doubled down on the taxation with different Acts, political protest increased with things like the organization of the Sons of Liberty and a rebellious act called the Boston Tea Party. As a result, the British government passed more Acts as a punishment against the Colonies, which was called by the Colonist the Intolerable Acts. Twelve of the thirteen Colonies replied to this punishment with the First Continental Congress, a boycott of British goods, and petition to the King to repeal the Intolerable Acts. The British’s answer to this reply was an order to disarm the rebels and arrest their leaders. History has proved that those who desire freedom are willing to fight to achieve it for themselves, their posterity, and to share with others that want it. History has a way of repeating itself.
Nearly one hundred years later, The Civil War in America (1861-1865) began after several decades of building tensions between ideologies that the Constitution provided. Mainly, the ideology of slavery vs freedom drove the War, primarily the enslavement of black people but the ideology “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” was the conviction that was worth fighting for. After failure of Congress to bring about harmony through compromises, several Southern States Succeeded. As with the American Revolution, the Civil War was first fought for decades with words in the halls of government and when words failed, bullets prevailed.
Make no mistake, this is no longer just about Republicans and Democrats, Libertarians and Greens, Conservatives and Liberals, Left and Right. It is not just about a difference in philosophy of how to best accomplish the same goals. This is not just a renovation of some outdated ideals. This is about the tearing down of one and the building of another. Understand that this has never been about a man, Donald Trump. He is just the one that has been used to bring into the light that which has been in the shadows. The forces that want to destroy America and replace her with Socialism put all the spotlights on him in order to keep themselves and their movement in the shadows. Proof of this is in the left now trying to shut down any free speech that disagrees with them. With the Democrats winning control of the House, Senate, and White House they have become embolden in destroying the Right with calls for expulsion of certain leading Republicans and eradicating any who supported President Trump. They have made the election a matter of personality instead of about policies. President Trump’s personality played into this strategy completely. He is openly boisterous, ego-centric, insulting, and unpresidential (not a politician). But what he said was America first, called for an American pride, and to bring back the greatness of America. He may not have been politically correct according to some standards, but he did what he said he would do. The left is able to look politically correct while all along being un-American.
While I am in no way calling for a taking up arms and a literal war against those who are trying to take over our Nation, I am saying that under the current leftist leadership we are headed to a conflict of some kind. The patriotic movement will not be silenced. America will not become a Socialistic nation without a war. What I am calling for is prayer. America has a rich history of calling upon God. The final phrases of our National Anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, along with other patriotic songs which shows how Americans have always called upon God to preserve us as a nation of freedom.
“Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”
The patriotic prayer put to music, “God Bless America”, was written in the midst of WW1 and leading us into WW2.
“God bless America
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above.”
The patriotic folk song, America the Beautiful, also testifies:
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
Oh my Lord God Almighty Sovereign may the words of this war for America not fail. May our governmental representatives fight the good fight resolutely, fairly, and honestly. May they be steadfast and founded with convictions based on the principles that are true to our Constitutional Republic. May You keep them safe. May You miraculously change the hearts of those whose egos cause them to abuse the power entrusted to them. Open the eyes of the blinded and thwart the deception of evil. Help all of us, especially our politicians, to let civility rule. Spare us of a war that causes bloodshed and the loss of life. Yet, and only as a last resort, if words fail to protect that which we have been entrusted with, please, give us the patience, grace, fortitude, and courage to be willing to follow our forefathers and let bullets prevail. Freedom is worth fighting for.