Monday, May 29, 2023

Society’s Tipping Point

Though I am a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ and there is no way that being a Christian doesn’t affect my world view, I am not writing this from the perspective of being a Christian. I am writing this from the perspective of being an American and observing what has come about in my lifetime (65 years). President John Adams wrote in 1798, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” As The John Adams Academy says in relation to this quote, “Morality and virtue are the foundation of our republic and necessary for a society to be free. Virtue is an inner commitment and voluntary outward obedience to principles of truth and moral law. Private virtue is the character to govern oneself according to moral law at all times. Public virtue is the character to voluntarily sacrifice or subjugate personal wants for the greater good of other individuals or the community. Specific moral virtues include charity, justice, courage, temperance, reverence, prudence, and honesty. These virtues are the moral fiber and moving force to act in accordance with wisdom.” It is about this morality and virtue that I write. It is not Christian Nationalism. It is a recognition and acknowledgment of “the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God.”


Most Americans don’t realize that there is a truth that has been proven since the dawn of societies. That truth is that as societies start rejecting moral law, which is the ever-living war between good and evil, there becomes a tipping point where the good of moral law can no longer protect against the evil of depraved mankind. In the past, the force of good has kept at bay the evil that crouches in the shadows waiting to pounce. It is important to understand that a result of a tipping point doesn’t happen immediately. Most of the time it takes years before the public results of a decision creates a tipping point. As the deterioration of moral law becomes a reality, the forces of good are weakened and the evil among us is emboldened. That tipping point is upon us.


One illustration of how a tipping point comes about is homosexuality in America. The first riot in America for homosexual/queer rights was The Copper’s Donut riot in Los Angeles in 1959. Riding the wave of the Civil Rights Movement, in 1966 in New York City there was the Julius’ Bar Sip-In and in San Francisco the Compton’s Cafeteria riot. Again, in New Yor City there were The Stonewall riots in 1969 and more throughout the 1970’s. However, in 1986 the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of Georgia’s sodomy law. Sodomy laws were in almost all the States and had been since their respective statehood. These moral laws reflected the values and beliefs of society that identified “crimes against nature, committed with mankind or with beast.”  There were numerous demonstrations, mostly in California and New York City, during the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the 1980’s. In 1990 Congress passed and President George H W Bush signed into law the Hate Crime Statistics Act, which was the first piece of American legislation that identified “sexual orientation” and gave it a Federal protected status. In 1993 President Bill Clinton became the first President to invite and host gay activist in the Oval Office to discuss policy issues. With enough Justices going off the High Court and new ones being confirmed, by 2003 the Supreme Court struck down the Texas Sodomy law of criminalizing intimate sexual conduct between two consenting male adults in private, which paved the way for the legalization of same-sex marriages. The three words that decision was made from are adults, consenting, and private.  In 2004 one State legalized same-sex marriage and by 2015 same-sex marriage was legalized in all 50 States. In the 25 years between 1990 – 2015, “sexual orientation” exploded into the LBGTQ+ being propagandized in every facet of society. Since 2015 the expansion of the LGBTQ culture has grown exponentially by adding the “+” sign to include any unnatural “sexual orientation” of not only what consenting adults do in private, but, along with other things, gender identity, gender dysphoria, trans-biological males participating in female sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms, as well as exploiting children’s sexuality and gender affirming medical treatment. The riots and demonstrations from 1959-1990 could be seen as the beginning of the tipping point but the major tipping point started in 1990 with political recognition and continued gaining valuation until the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015. The LBGTQ+ advocates have successfully altered the collective values and beliefs of the American culture by rejecting moral law. Even to the absurd point of Senators asking potential Supreme Court Justice to define what a woman is and asking, can a man get pregnant? Republicans and Democrats alike have contributed to this tipping point.


There was a time when most Americans married for life and raised their children to be good and responsible citizens. Families didn’t lock the doors to their homes, slept with the windows open on hot summer nights (grant it, before central AC), and hardly ever locked their car doors and even left the key in the ignition. There was a time when children played outside more often than not and without fear of adults but with respect for adults. People stopped to help others when their car broke down and gave rides to hitchhikers when they could. Public school teachers were basically good people and if they disciplined a child, the parents supported the teacher most of the time. Police, teachers, clergy, and veterans were usually highly respected in society. Working and self-reliance was honorable. Helping the sick or disabled was seen as a gracious act from humility, “there, but for the grace of God, go I.”


Those were the days when there were many more in society that lived by the virtues of moral law than those who didn’t. When the virtuously good in America kept evil at bay. Slowly, in reference to the time of history, yet as rapidly as in one generation the tipping points have changed America. Now, nearly half the marriages in America end in divorce and the majority of children are being raised in single parent homes or a blended family environment. I have never met a person whose parents’ divorce didn’t affect them in some negative way. Many American adults won’t make the commitment to marriage and just cohabitate together. The majority of American adults do not consider cohabitation to be a moral issue, thus, they see nothing wrong with living together without being married. And same-sex marriage or cohabitation is becoming more and more accepted and being promoted by Hollywood and all forms of media as just a natural alternative to heterosexual life. People lock their doors even when they are at home, hardly ever, if ever, open the windows of their homes, and have developed a habit of locking their car doors every time they get out of it. In fact, many people have alarm systems in their homes and alarms on their cars. Now, public school teachers have been stripped of all authority and education has assumed responsibility that was never meant for public education. Stopping to help someone on the road or picking up a hitchhiker is not safe. Police, teachers, clergy, and veterans are observed with suspicion, if not contempt. Fear of something bad happening prevents most children from ever playing outside without parental supervision. Work and self-reliance are no longer a point of American pride and helping those in need has shifted to governmental responsibility.


Why? Because society has lost the ability to protect its members. Moral law has deteriorated to the point where the invisible barrier between right and wrong has been weakened so much that the virtuous good in society is being overpowered by the evil of depraved mankind. One of the ways this tipping point has been revealed is in the attitude, suspicion, and violence toward the very people who have the job to protect and serve, the law enforcement officer. Yes, I know there are law enforcement officers that are bad. But don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Did you know that the 8 years between 2012-2019, the median number of police officers, law enforcement officers, use to be called peace officers, who were killed, murdered was 163 per year. Starting in 2020, a tipping point of society’s outlook toward those we call to protect us, changed. Just one generation ago the whole nation created an emergency call system that when Americans need protecting or help, they can call 911 anytime day or night. But who do the good guys call when they need protecting? In the 3 years from 2020 through 2022 the median number of officers killed, murdered each year increased 100% to 320. The highest year was 2021 with 623 officers killed, murdered. The message sent with this tipping point is clear, defund the police or we will kill them. There were many others that died in various other ways while doing their job but statistically, no category showed a more drastic increase than law enforcement officers being targeted and killed simply for wearing a uniform and badge. That reveals a significant tipping point.


Marriage and family have been deteriorating for years. Theft is growing exponentially. Sexual assault or abuse is constantly feared. Murder is at an all-time high. Senseless violence is widespread daily. Vagrancy has taken over many communities. Illegal immigration has reach critical mass and continues to grow by the hundreds of thousands, weekly if not daily. Just think about it. In 2008 more than half of the voting populace elected a President that said publicly that he wanted to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” That is to transform the fundamental virtues, values and beliefs that had previously been held by American culture. I acknowledge that there are things in America that need to change but those things aren’t the fundamental virtues, beliefs, and values that have made America what she was. One of the fundamental transformations that happened under his Presidency was that marriage is no longer defined exclusively as between a man and a woman and family is no longer defined as a mom and dad in a joint-parental role. It's no surprise that if you transform the basic building block of society then you modify those who depend on that building block for life and life instruction, the most vulnerable and impressionable, the children. Could it be that the confusion of sexuality that America is experiencing now is due to the transformation of that basic building block of society? Marriage and family are no longer based on moral law and instinctively children know that, but their emotions are telling them something different. The ripple effect of transforming the fundament foundation of society affects every aspect of society. Yet, in 2020 more than half of the voting populace again elected a President that would continue that fundamental transformation. In the midterm elections of 2022, more than half of the voting populace, primarily in places on the West Coast and East Coast, elected officials (Governors, Mayors, Attorney Generals, etc.) that want to change the values and beliefs of moral laws. It is of great importance that Americans, in general, remember that the tipping point of legalizing same-sex marriage began mostly on the West Coast and East Coast. Under a law in California (Prop. 47), that started in 2014 but became emboldened since 2020, allowed thieves to shoplift up to a value of $950 of merchandise and, if caught, will only be charged with a misdemeanor. The message sent is that theft is not necessarily wrong in and of itself but the dollar value of that which was stolen. In New York City the new Manhattan District Attorney announced a list of crimes that he would not prosecute and has downgraded more than half his felony cases to misdemeanors. Some who were incarcerated with sexual assault were released from jail only to repeat sexual assault. Entire blocks or neighborhoods have been taken over with vagrants. If a vagrant takes up residence in a vacant house it has become very difficult, legally, for the owner to expel the vagrant. A tipping point with respect to moral law and even for the rule of law and order has definitely happened.


As the tipping points continue to be unchecked in America the less society can protect itself from self-destruction. As some of these tipping points are coming about, I think it is significant to point out that at least half of the mass shootings since 1982 have happened since 2015. Could it be that the fundamental transformation of America has contributed to the increase of mass shootings? Maybe this fundamental transformation hasn’t been as beneficial as some thought. There will come a point, and now is, when evil will come to your house and demand what it wants with threats to you if you don’t give it. Think here, riots that moved into neighborhoods and cancel culture. There will come a point, and now is, when the cries of the victims will be heard day and night. Think here, about the cries of the families, over 100,000 last year, who’s loved ones died of fentanyl overdose. There will come a time, and now is, when society will no longer be able to protect you, your family, your friends, and your property. Think here, about the fewer police officers there are, the more emboldened the criminals have become. There will come a time, and now is, when the moral laws of the land will become so blurred that the guilty will go free, and the innocent will be arrested. Think about the ones who have stepped in to try to stop a violent attack on someone or those who stepped in to try to stop a thief from walking out of the store or the ones who have used deadly force in protecting their own or someone else’s home or property, only to find themselves arrested and, in many cases, prosecuted. If you shoot someone who is on your property to steal your possessions or do harm to your person or loved ones, you will be arrested and possibly prosecuted. When the government’s sword of justice against the unrighteous becomes a spoon that feeds the unrighteous the tipping point has past, and the fall of that society is imminent.


The thieves, murders, and violent offenders cannot be stopped by law because the law no longer has a moral code. To paraphrase a song’s lyrics, we no longer live by the Golden Rule, now he who has the gold makes the rules. Think of the worldwide wealth, like George Soros, and American wealth, like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg using their wealth to make the rules. Think of the hundreds of lobbyist groups that spend hundreds of millions of dollars to influence politics, elections, and laws in America. Think about how politicians go to Washington DC as public servants and leave there as millionaires. Think about how there are judicial double standards applied to the wealthy and powerful. Justice should not be determined by money or power but many times it is. There was a time in America where it was taught that “power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely,” which is a statement on the principle of the depravity of mankind, that power tends to defile a person’s morality. There was a time when representatives were expected to legislate with a foundation of morality. The tipping point where moral law has lost its morality has past and now, we are reaping what was sowed.


What was once lived out in a microcosm of inner-city gangs and ghetto turf wars has now moved into the urban and suburban and is now rapidly moving into rural America. In the civil unrest of the summer of 2020 and into 2021, it has been estimated that between 15 million and 26 million people protested in over 10,000 counties and in at least 200 cities across America. More than 30 States activated over 96,000 National Guards and other enforcements to try to protect communities from the thugs and chaos. Over 200 cities imposed mandatory curfews. Yet over 2 billion dollars in damages have been recorded in vandalism, arson, looting, and violence in these mostly peaceful protest (sarcasm).


Like the frog in the kettle, most Americans don’t realize that the tipping point’s heat has been gradually increasing and will soon be at a boiling point, and the good ‘ole American way of life will be over. Already, you cannot trust the laws of the land to judge righteously between the guilty and the innocent. In many cases, the laws of the land benefit the criminals more than they do the victims.


May God have mercy on our children and grandchildren. It won’t be white-supremacy, climate change, or guns that destroys America. It will be the tipping point of the deterioration of moral law that gave us goodness, protection, and order. As that goodness gives way to evil the American dream will become the American nightmare.


It doesn’t have to be that way. As the old saying goes, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” So, be a good husband or wife, be a good parent, be a good son or daughter, be a good employer or employee, be a good neighbor, be a good citizen, live out morality and virtue privately and publicly, overall, just be a good person. Voluntarily sacrifice when you see a need. Be charitable, strive for justice, be courageous, apply temperance (self-control), have reverence and respect, look into the future for prudence, and be honest. Be the tipping point that begins the recovery of the American fundamental virtues, beliefs, and values that made America “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

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